€6.00 - On Sale
01. Initiation Ceremony
02. Angels of Retribution
03. The Cup from my Hand, the Sword I am sending
04. צָרָה
05. Kneeling before His Throne
06. Death & Descent
07. The Grand Evil Conjuration
08. חושך
09. Aaxhel Maleficium
10. Ω
This Full Length was recorded and mixed at "The House of Terror" Studios (Spa) by G.González. The mastering process was developed by Peter Neuber at "Mega Wimp" Sound (Ger) (Antaeus, Aeternus, Sodom, Primordial, Blood Red Throne, Necrophobic...). Cover front by M. from "Remeber the Fallen Art " (Necroholocaust, Thornspawn, Svartfell, Goatvomit...). Released by Drakkar Productions.